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It stutters to the point of sometimes pausing for half a sec (don't make quick turns) but it works and looks lovely. I found my house, well a building in its spot.

Which is more than I expected. The street layout is there, however the town is pretty unrecognizable plus the iconic high train bridge over the river is completely missing. The whole train tracks seem to be missing. I noticed the train bridges in the neighboring town are missing as well. Kinda important landmarks for VFR... But the river looks good from above.

Not so much from below

It's hills and dips everywhere lol. Aint no water flowing like that.

Then I got stuck under the bridge trying to taxi to my house

I guess the part under the bridge is flagged as land, gear not out, plane isn't floating, just wobbling on the ground. I got out of it with slew mode bu got the black out screen again when trying to take off, collided with something sticking out the scenery somewhere. Retry!

Lol failed to properly deploy landing gear while landing on water, day one bugs. Attempt nr 3!

Success! but can't figure out the drone camera lol. So many controls!

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 18 August 2020