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Valdney said:

During the pandemic the vast majority of unemployed people in the USA were actually making A LOT more money from their maxed out unemployment benefits plus a 600 hundred dollar extra help on top of that than they were when employed. Then the government approved an extra 1200 dollar check to everyone indiscriminately (employed or unemployed). Having extra cash to spend on video games during a time where people were forced to stay home was never an issue here in the USA.

Anyway. I voted yes because people are still somewhat afraid of engaging in gatherings and other out of home activities. But Nintendo could very much screw this up with what is looking like to be a lackluster release schedule from now until the end of the year.

Good god, I was gonna write something about there's no way people are making more money than when employed....because I thought the unemployment was $600 per month, but it is in fact per week(!!) and didn't realize that was on top of normal unemployment. Sadly, despite the fact that I haven't had a job in 50 weeks now, I didn't qualify for unemployment nor the $1200 stimulus. Good god think of all the Switch games I could have bought if I got that money! Sorry Nintendo, blame the government for not giving me a piece of those trillions!