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Animal Crossing Series - I found it extremely boring... Collect X item, sell to Nook, pay debt and be forced to upgrade the home and get another bigger debt? =_= And there isn't that much customisation in this game... Sims is the bigger and better game.

Kingdom Hearts (sorry Soriku) - This game is very messed up and doesn't make any sense. Disney+Final Fantasy got to be the weirdest idea ever! I just can't get into it.

Final Fantasy VIII - This FF is horrible, imo. Jonctionning, Draw, 10000 hours GF cutscenes (interaction, I know... But it's still annoying), underpowered weapons needing upgrades with random items, game doesn't feel like a FF... Ugh the list goes on. Those things might be positive for some, but it isn't for me.

Halo - Overhyped boring shooter.

Warioland - Not appealing. Why put such a disgusting character?

Pokemon Diamond - I decided to get it since it was brand new and all... Memories of playing Pokemon Blue came to my mind but I can't get into it. It's not a bad RPG but, I wish they could kill off Pokemon soon... It's getting rediculous! There's way too many of them!