Friday news, part two:
Blizzard pays tribute to streamer Reckful with World of Warcraft NPC
Thousands of World of Warcraft players came together in early July to pay their respects to prominent streamer Byron 'Reckful' Bernstein, who died by suicide on July 2 at age 31. Now Blizzard has paid a lasting tribute of its own in the form of a new Rogue Trainer NPC bearing his name that has been added to the Cathedral of Light in the Shadowlands expansion.
Destiny 2's Solstice of Heroes returns, but you'll need to pay for the best armor
Destiny 2's Solstice of Heroes is one of the longest-ass grinds in a game which is not afraid to ask its playerbase to work its collective hiney off. The annual event sees guardians tasked with completing all manner of busywork—kill a bazillion enemies, collect a gajillion orbs, try not to go mad—across various playlists. Honestly, I imagine most players will be glad of something new to do (even if it's mostly stuff we've already done a quadrillion times), particularly since the Beyond Light expansion was delayed until 10 November.
Hearthstone: Scholomance Academy goes live with a free Legendary card for everyone
Scholomance Academy, the latest expansion to Blizzard's big-time card game Hearthstone, is now live, adding 135 brand-new cards to the pile, including 40 new Dual-Class cards and the new 'Spellburst' keyword.
Spelunky 2 is coming to PS4 in September, will arrive on PC 'shortly after'
Things have been fairly quiet on the Spelunky 2 front since it was announced in 2017, but developer Derek Yu said earlier this year that a release date announcement was getting "closer and closer." Today he delivered the goods, announcing during Sony's State of Play livestream that the game will be out on September 15.
Control: AWE teaser confirms the return of Alan Wake, hints at a 'Remedy Connected Universe'
We've assumed for awhile now that the second expansion to the most excellent third-person shooter Control, entitled AWE, would somehow cross over with Remedy's pre-Control cult hit Alan Wake. The title of the expansion is kind of a giveaway, for one thing, and various bits of Alan Wake lore are salted throughout Control, too.
Diablo 4 team is 'moving forward' despite COVID-19 pandemic
Rod Fergusson's move to Blizzard was not particularly well-timed. He left The Coalition in order to head up Diablo 4 in March, just ahead of the COVID-19 outbreak that forced the entire company to start working from home.
Braid: Anniversary Edition is a 'hand-repainted' remake, coming to PC in 2021
Released in 2008 for Xbox 360, Braid is still considered one of the most influential games of recent years and is often credited for kickstarting the indie game development boom. Now, 12 years later, it's getting a remake and expansion with new "hand-repainted" graphics and improved animation, among other features.
Impostor Factory trailer promises a wholesome apocalypse
I do like a good mystery, and right now there are few games as mysterious as Impostor Factory, the next (and seemingly final) entry in the To The Moon series, which claims to be a "wholesome celebration of the bloody end of the world." Developer Freebird Games has taken the emotional sci-fi/fantasy of To The Moon and Finding Paradise and chucked in Lovecraftian tentacles, bathroom-based time travel, murders and the end of the ruddy world. The latest trailer tells us everything and nothing, which is quite a feat.
Apex Legends Season 6 is adding crafting and a new Legend
Apex Legends Season 6 will kick off on August 18, as revealed by the launch trailer above. It's a bit of a crafty update, and by that I mean that it introduces crafting to Respawn's battle royale—and who better to represent crafting than a modder? The star of the trailer is the new Legend, Rampart, described on the Apex site as an "expert modder who made her name in underground fight clubs."
And these are the GOG and Steam deals for the weekend:
- The first one is the weekly sale with Pixel Art games up to 80% off:
- The Midweek Sale, with up to 90% discounts, will last another 22 hours:
- The first Weekend Sale is full of THQ Nordic games up to 80% off:
- The second weekend sale is a special sale with games picked up by artist Morano up to 90% off:
- There's also the Quakecon sale with up to 75% discounts for another 10 days:
- Lastly, the store sees the release of three games from the Bridge Constructor series with 50% discounts until August 13:
- The first one is a new daily deal, Spirit of the North, 40% off:
- The first of the weekend deals is the Early Access title Noita, 25% off:
- Motorsport Manager gets a 75% discount:
- The Darksiders franchise is between 34 and 80% off:
- The Quakecon sale brings up to 80% discounts until August 11:
- Street Fighter V is free to try during the weekend and 60% off until August, 19th:
- Developer Exor Studios has its games on sale, up to 85% off until the 20th of August:
- The Elder Scrolls Online is free to try during the next 12 days and 50% off until August 25:
- And of course, there's also the weeklong deals.
What else do you want? Go! Go and have a happy and gaming weekend.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.