Captain_Yuri said: Yea I might get a refund if the issues are as bad as the tests suggest. It looks like those that were able to get 60 fps on a 1060 just ran the benchmark which apparently just goes through a mostly empty desert with not much foliage. |
Quite a numebr over on Era/Steam are already filing for refunds, and going by the studio manning the game, yeah... I'd totally go for it, I'm not really expecting good miracles from a studio with a known history of shoddy port jobs. It's not like there's going to be some Disney level magical moment, where this studio suddenly pulls a Hercules moments and makes the port stellar after a single day 1 or week 2 patch. A bad track record is just a bad track record.
Should have handed the job over to GG or at the very least, Kojipro. At the end of the day Sony made this call and it was a really bad first step back into PC gaming, while MS has made many bad steps in the past, their actual track record is steadily improving, while Sony is just letting us know that PC's just going to be their "dirty hoe" on the street corner for that extra sack of cash, kinda gig (which is what I see Epic as doing, and why I hate anyone abusing the PC market as such).
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"