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xMetroid said:
I dont get why some are diminishing the DS reaching 150 millions cause it's a "portable" while the PS2 only did it by going 99$ and people bought it for DVD player

If we're going to play that game then we could bring up that the PS2 launched at $299 while the DS launched at $149 and was dropped to $129 in less than a year.

The "PS2 was bought as DVD player" is a silly story. "By the end of 2000, players were available for under $100 at discount retailers. In 2003 players became available for under $50"

So by PS2 launched.... DVD Player was $99 while PS2 was $299.... by end of 2003 DVD player was available under $50. It cost 3 times as much to get a PS2 instead of just a DVD player.