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As someone who has lived in the north my entire life, hate the Confederacy, and is married to a black man, I do not support destroying these statues. I feel your summary of being against removing these statues are too simplistic. It isn't about avoiding a very specific type of civil war that you talk about, but rather a display/showcase that good their time can be wrong, and what we can take away from that. In these cases, the ideas of how people can view their fellow humans, and perhaps a self reflection of ones self. I think as a good middle point moving these statues to a more historical site, such as Civil War battlefields, local museums, etc. is a good middle ground that I could get behind.

Systems I own: Switch, Wii U, Wii, N64, Retron 5 for my Ness, SNES, Genesis, Gameboy line games, Dreamcast, PS2, New 3DS.