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JRPGfan said:

Surround yourself with enough people (that believe as you do) in positions of power.
Theres no one left to throw you out forcefully.

You just need enough "yes people" in enough important places.
Look how he gets people to break the law, and lie under oath for him, and lateron just pardons them.

They know, they are above the system, and if enough of them, are in places of power and just hold together, it will be damned hard to get them off it.

All Trump has to do, is make a semi decentish enough arguement for why hes not vacateing the seat.
And his 40% or so base, will be enough that the remaning 60% that want to see him gone, probably cant.

In 1932, hitlers NSDAP party had 30,1% of the vote, with another party or two going along with him, they took power.
The point is, after they wanted him gone, they couldn't. Even though only 30% of the public perphaps supported the nazi's it was enough.

None of that answers my questions, if everyone in power supports trump, why are we not already a dictatorship and why are we having an election? This is also why your comparison to Hitler is flawed, both got elected, but only one actually turned their government fascist.

Like we're really going to uproot values we've maintained for 200+ years overnight for this snake of a man. It absolutely will not be as easy as you make it sound, there will be another civil war before we can ever become a dictatorship. Not everyone who votes for Trump is so infatuated with him that they'll give up their values and rights, so the number against him will be far more than the voting percentage.