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Rab said:
sundin13 said:

"We are just going to kick people out on the streets. That is Nancy Pelosi's plan, that is Donald Trump's plan."

But that isn't exactly true, is it?

The House (which you will recall is within Nancy Pelosi's purview) passed the HEROES Act back in May, which included hundreds of billions of dollars for housing and homelessness programs and extended the moratorium.

From the National Low Income Housing Coalition:

"Thanks to all of your advocacy and the support of our congressional champions, the proposal includes all of our top priorities, including $100 billion in emergency rental assistance through the “Emergency Rental Assistance Act and Rental Market Stabilization Act,” an additional $11.5 billion to prevent and respond to outbreaks among people experiencing homelessness, and a national, uniform moratorium on evictions for all renters. The bill also includes funding for 100,000 new emergency housing vouchers, $5 billion for Community Development Block Grants, more than $300 million for rural rental assistance, and additional funding for public housing and other HUD housing providers to help cover increased costs and adjust rental assistance for households with decreased incomes."

The House also passed the Emergency Housing Protections and Relief Act in June, which too included hundreds of billions of dollars for housing and extended the moratorium:

"[This bill] allocates $100 billion to emergency rental assistance programs, creates a $75 billion relief fund for homeowners and extends the eviction and foreclosure moratorium put in place by the CARES Act through March 2021"

Both of these bills went to the Senate and did not see debate.

Additionally, bills were introduced in the Senate, such as the Protecting Renters from Evictions and Fees Act proposed by Elizabeth Warren, which sought to extend the moratorium on evictions and extend it to cover all renters. This bill did not pass.

I'm kind of tired of people drawing these false equivalencies between the Democrats and the Republicans... Your video goes so far as to say that the reason this is happening is because people are voting Democrat. Honestly, fuck that guy. This shit would have passed months ago if the Democrats had control of the Senate.

These far-left "the democrats are evil" whingers are nothing more than pathetic grifters, who are doing nothing but telling progressives that it is their moral imperative to support Donald Trump. Him and his ilk can kindly go fuck themselves.

You must be living in lala land if you think the Est Dems are doing much of anything to help people, particularly the working poor, one example is M4A which they have fought against tooth and nail let alone student fees and pharmaceutical price hikes, the Est Dems like the Est Reps want the status quo to continue and support the military industrial complex, wall street and big business over small business and workers   

If you keep believing their BS your not one to be convinced, this shite has gone on too long for ignorance to be the reason 

Did you not read the post you quoted? He gave several examples of acts from the democrats that would help people, especially those struggling financially.