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Wyrdness said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

This is the first I'd heard about this rumor.  But after a quick Google search this is what I found specifically:

What actually gives what Rol posted some ground is ironically not MH itself but what happened with SFV as that game has a contractual agreement to keep it off other non PC platforms as SFIV was heavily favoured on the Xbox platform because of Live so such a case as the rumour he's referring to is possible.

To respond to an earlier post where someone mentioned about sales even that's not the case because MHW's sales are across 3 platforms when you break down the performance per platform the portables still perform comparable to what MHW did per platform for example from Capcom's own numbers:

MHF - 4.9m
MHG - 4.3m
MH4U - 4.2m
MH4 - 4.1m
MHFU - 3.9m
MHGU - 3.6m

What's interesting here is MHW did 15m across 3 platforms but Iceborne expansion in comparison did 5m across the same 3 platforms where as in the portable side of things the userbase are more dedicated as seen with the consistent numbers for reference 80% of MHF went to MHFU, over 100% of MH4 numbers transferred to MH4U, 90% of MHG to MHGU and so on.

No context at all.  MHW and its 15 million is not comparable to Iceborne and its 5 million.  The 15 million for Monster Hunter World is after 24 months on the market, MHWI's 5 million is after six.  So if you feel that MHWI's sales will remain at 5 million for the next 18 months, then you have a point but you know that is not happening and that sales of that game, and the original, are higher than the 15 and 5 respectively anyway (as we will see in their upcoming earnings report).  Capcom would be stupid to break those type numbers to sell less as a Switch exclusive.

The best apple to apple comparison is that after 6 months, MHW did 8.3 million (2 consoles), after 6 months MHWI did 5 million (3 consoles) which is a 60% retention

Last edited by Train wreck - on 31 July 2020