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sundin13 said:
Zoombael said:

I'm apolitical, because politics... it is complex. Not in the sense that politics itself is complex. Anyway.

When i look at the BLM logo i don't see an organisation brought into existence primarily to fight racism, support black communities and all that. What i see is a political movement in the extreme left of the political spectrum. I very much dislike extrem-ism, no matter politics, religion, right, left, christian, muslim, scientology. I dislike the subversive and tolliterian nature.

The raised fist is a commonly used symbol amongst freedom, human rights movements aso, true. Keep digging. 

From the BLM website:

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

"Marxist theory on family established the revolutionary ideal for the Soviet state and influenced state policy concerning family in varying degrees throughout the history of the country. The principals are: The nuclear family unit is an economic arrangement structured to maintain the ideological functions of Capitalism. The family unit perpetuates class inequality through the transfer of private property through inheritance. Following the abolition of private property, the bourgeois family will cease to exist and the union of individuals will become a “purely private affair”. The Soviet state’s first code on marriage and family was written in 1918 and enacted a series of trans-formative laws designed to bring the Soviet family closer in line with Marxist theory."

I'm in a bit of pickle here. As a colored person i'm supposed to be automatically supportive of this extreme-left ideology? That's kinda racist? That's not all. There is more to this.

I really don't want to participate in politcal debates, especially not the one going on right now. I can't help it, when i observe what's going on in the (under)world the politics squabble becomes distant chatter in the background.

I think we need to draw a distinction between the Black Lives Matter movement and the Black Lives Matter organization. The movement is fundamentally decentralized with no real power structure and as such, the beliefs encompassed within it are anything which falls under the logic of the phrase "black lives matter". It is focused around police violence, however it can be used to extend to the value of black lives in other contexts as well. As such, there is no required checklist of beliefs that one must hold in order to agree with the movement. You don't need to be a Marxist or an atheist or whatever else you read from some specific sections of the movement. You simply need to be willing to stand for the value of black lives and against those who seek to diminish this value.

The organization is a very small part of the overall movement. It primarily seeks to aid in some of the logistical struggles of a decentralized movement, but its actual power over the intent of the movement is highly limited. Disagreement with one paragraph on their website does little to actually speak to your opinion on the movement, and whether or not the organization is "extreme-left" shouldn't matter in regards to the ideology of the movement.

I feel that some people dig into things like this when they are specifically looking for a reason to be against something (like, for example comparing the wiki page on the Soviet Union, or complaining about a logo). They find one little insignificant thing that they don't like and use that thing to define something much larger, however simply listening to the voices of the people involved in the protest should show you that they are diverse both in demographics and ideology. All you need in order to support the movement is a commitment to the value of black lives and in my opinion, that is just about the least extreme ideology imaginable.

It matters when the cause of outrage, rioting and looting relies on misinterpretation, hyperbole and deception, trying to justify violent and dissident acts, and the foundation of an organisation is staffed with radical individuals opposing the legitimacy of the government in power and political system and extremist elements spearheading the movement and protests, agitating individuals and groups. Why are the actions of violent left extremists constantly downplayed? Time for history lessons? Would make this post a little more extensive.

I provide factual data, i'm not relying on my gut feeling as you like to insinuate.

How was CHAZ/CHOP possible? Is this considered this normal and adequate in the US? To occupy whole blocks and forcing out law enforcement, blocking off FD and ambulance, then it is the city that is blamed for consequences? Why was CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) renamed to CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized Protest)? It wasn't because one specific word is politically charged, ey?

Yusra Koghali/Yusra K. Ali, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter chapter Toronto (BLMT). 

Her words speak for themselves. The shooting she refers to in the beginning of the video was the Qubec Mosque Shooting in 2017 January 29th.

The perpetrator, Alexander Bissonnette, was motivated by 2014 Parliament Hill Shootings.,_Ottawa

Yusra Khogali left BLMT in May 2019. Some years after she has written this long deleted facebook post:


For anyone wondering why x instead of a. Hu-man, hu-man-ity. Nuff said.

She exited BLMT because of politcal differences. Allegedly. What i think really happend, she wasn't acceptable as a poster child, too much bad press and indeed, Black Lives Matter struggled with popularity in the beginning years. Afaik BLM has never distanced themselves openly from individuals like her and the extremism they represent. I wonder why. In the contrary. 

The two names Sandy Hudson drops are Andrew Loku and Jermaine Carby. Both shot by canadian police officers in 2015 and 2014 respectively. Both were armed (hammer, knife) at respective encounters with law enforcement, Andrew Loku had PTSD and Carby was on drugs. Nothing indicates the action of the police was unwarranted. Anyone who wants to know more about these cases, do your own research.

Sasha - BLM Oxford (UK)

The demeanor of those people, how they act, how they talk, the terminology and rhetoric they use. A moderate movement and organisation with no distinct political motives? Mh. And they certainly have enough recruitment material to draw from.

Universities in US and CA seem to be breeding grounds for those typse. As it was predicted...


A study carried out at the University of California found "evidence of a significant bias in the killing of unarmed black Americans compared to unarmed white Americans".[1] In this study, the probability of being shot by the police as a black, unarmed person versus as a white, unarmed person was 3.49 times higher. Unarmed Hispanics' likelihood to be shot was 1.67 times higher than for unarmed Whites. However, these stats do not reflect that people get shot when coming into contact with the police which is usually whilst carrying out a violent criminal act or being arrested for a criminal act. Black men represent around 6% of the population but account for around 52.6% of murder arrests and 54.5% of robbery arrests.[13] Even so they only represent 28% of people killed by police whilst non blacks suffer 72% of the people shot and killed for less than half the crimes.[14]

A more recent study was conducted by Michigan State University and the University of Maryland, compiling a list of more than 900 fatal U.S. police shootings in 2015 using crowdsourced databases from The Washington Post and The Guardian.[1] Then, they asked police departments for information about the race of the officers responsible for the shootings. They found black police were more likely to kill black civilians than white civilians. However, the same held true for white and Hispanic officers: Each group of police was more likely to shoot civilians of their own race. Researchers claimed this is true because police tend to be drawn from the communities they work in and are thus more likely to have deadly encounters with civilians of the same race. They conclude that "increasing diversity among officers by itself is unlikely to reduce racial disparity in police shootings".

Where is clear evidency of unproportionally high police brutality against black people in the USA in this day and age? Or Canada?

I see how media stating numbers without necessary context and incomplete data, sending one on a wild goose chase.

When it should be easy to provide data that proves beyond any doubt, providing legitimacy for Black Lives Matter exclusive entitlement.

CA cop acts in self-defense when approached by several individuals with hostile intentions, two of them gang members, while wrestling with a suspect...

...people take to streets and riot.

Cop gets shot at point blank...

...people take to streets and riot.


Here armed, there armed, resisting arrest, runs away, gets shot, dies, people riot and so on, and so on.

The Left wants to abolish the Police....does the Black community? Watch and find out!

KGW: What it's like to be a Black officer policing Portland protests | Raw interview

Are there cops guilty of all degrees of racism? There sure are, and i need not to sift through the web to find evidence. However, is the claim of systemic racism materializing in the actions of executive forces justified? With the information at hand, the short answer is: No.

That doesn't mean there isn't a problem. Tbf, i don't see (systemic) racism as a crucial factor. It's rather a combination of the american gun cult and the mentality that comes with it, the availability and number of firearms circulating in the US and the relatively high crime rate in the US of A.

At the end i want to mention that i strongly believe in the greater picture (as always) and the roots for all this lie way back in time. Not black history, european history. But this is a chapter for another time, if ever, because i doubt people could wrap their head around it. Their little bubble of reality... and no idea what they're doing to their own country. Sad.

Hunting Season is done...