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EnricoPallazzo said:

As a colored person myself (I hate this word) I think the same. Actually I am against the movement the way it is today, too much focused on marxist revolution and violence, which are things that unfortunately walk side by side usually. But I do really hope they can bring some improvement to the black community in US in the end. And yes... I'm more worried about things that happen in the underworld at the moment. Like, I'm really scared.

Yea, it's annoying whenever i have to refer to myself as POC, B&W or whatever.

The first time i didn't think much of BLM. That it was a slogan, a banner people loosely flock to. This perception has changed and with all the information i gathered, my viewpoint of the situation in the US has become taken over by an eerie sensation. To be honest, i don't have any hope that change will come. Not that i had any kind expectations and an elaborate opinion on that matter. Now i feel hammer struck, not sure what to make of it.

What did you associate with (under)world?

Hunting Season is done...