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MikeB said:

@ starcraft

It makes no sense to develop for a console with a low attachment rate relative to the other consoles.

Look at the EA chart, for Q4F Y2007 the 360 was a more interesting platform for EA. But for Q4 FY2008 the PS3 was the more interesting platform.

Do you think EA will look at their FY2007 results rather than at their FY2008 results to determine which platform will be more interesting to them during FY2009? I don't think so.

It's great for Microsoft Halo 3 had such a amazing attach ratio on the 360, but to EA's business this means very little. Just because Halo 3 sold so many copies with all the Microsoft generated media circus does not mean EA will do better business on the 360 in comparison to on the PS3.

Of course, the EA results are impressive, but they are not indicative of the broad market, which saw far higher total third party sales on the Xbox 360 than on the PS3.  Furthermore, they don't take into account the additional costs we know are associated with developing on the PS3, nor the fact that many PS3 games are priced higher than their Xbox 360 counterparts.

As for how Halo 3 could be significant to EA?

Do you believe that Army of Two would have sold double on the Xbox 360 what it did on the PS3 if Halo 3 hadn't expanded the Xbox 360 userbase's desire for shooters/co-op?  Something no-doubt EA saw and capitalised on.


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