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@ Sqrl

Well you seem to imply in your post that the goal is to compare which consoles have the most high-selling exclusives or perhaps high-quality exclusives?

No, it's about games appealing to consumers. It's not per se about how much a game sells that makes it a more appealing game than others.

For example, a game like Oblvion appeals to certain people. The PS3 version is better than the 360 version, but not amongst its top sellers because the game was released well after the 360 and PC version. So a potential customer may well already own one of the other versions, making it less likely such people also buy the PS3 version.

For a new consumer deciding whether to own a 360 or PS3, it's irrelevant how much the original 360 game sold. The consumer has the option to choose the PS3 version if he or she so desires.

What these lists show is:

1) 16 of the best sold 360 games are also available for the PS3 and 15 of the best selling PS3 games are also available on the 360.

So 360 fans saying the PS3 has no games is IMO stupid.

2) 10 of the 25 best sold PS3 games are exclusively available only on the PS3. While only 5 of the best sold 360 games are exclusively available on the 360.

What this means, many people own PCs and they can expect many of the 360 console exclusives to come to at least the PC as well. (Sadly many will just pirate them)

However the bulk of PS3 exclusives can only be played on the PS3.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales