Damn Ghost sold amazing!
Paper Mario sold decent but with digital sales it is probably on par with other games in the series, still less than I expected though given Switch's popularity and HW numbers - thought we'd see more like 200k opening week.
PS4 hardware sales are dead. Even if stock is low the fact that Sony didn't even bother shipping a few extra thousand systems for a big game shows they know PS4 hw is dead in Japan at this point.
Switch over 100k probably based purely on supplying extra stock as Paper Mario clearly wasn't that big of a release to drive sales. Top 5 Switch games sold 267k this week, that is some serious strength! AC got a big bump thanks to more systems available - it just does not want to go under 50k! RFA going strong as always! RFA's insane sales would be the software story of the year if it wasn't for AC clearly being the most insane selling video game in Japanese history. Seems like Nintendo has RFA stock under control now, even if it isn't quite meeting demand, as I don't remember seeing a low week in quite a while. RFA could get real close to 2 million by the end of this year, 3 million lifetime seems extremely likely, could 4 million even be possible?? Imagine if Switch's eventual Japan 4+ million sellers are AC, Smash, MK, Pokemon, Splatoon, maybe a second Pokemon, and Ring Fit Adventure out of nowhere!