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MikeB said:

@ Squilliam

Its top 5 sold 29 million vs 17 million on the PS3

For example GTA IV sold more copies on the 360, but the attach ratio is better amongst PS3 owners.

Some games were released later on the PS3 due to these games being lead on the 360, due to the 360 headstart. For a new console owner this means nothing, also of the best sold multi-platform games some are better on the 360 but likewise some are better on the PS3, the differences aren't that big though. Overall they are mostly the same games.

The 360 may have games which scored higher on the 360, but this means little. For example Oblvion scored lower on the PS3 on average, but every reviewer agrees the PS3 version is superior.

Some 360 games are showing their age as new games tend to accomplish more (resulting in higher expectations), if the old games would be released unmodified today they would receive lower scores.

Attach rate is pretty much always going to be better on the system with lower hardware sales. That's just how attach rates work.

Increasing your hardware sales does no raise your software sales by an equal amount because people have different tastes.

If the 360 actually was beating PS3 on attach rates for games PS3 would be in SERIOUS trouble.