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I’m not sure if third party support is a major reason, but it’s a reason nonetheless. Nintendo first made its first party games a reason to invest on the Switch. As the user base grew, more games from third parties started releasing.

I think we have to look more into the Indies than the traditional third party games that contributed majorly to the Switch. Nintendo built the Indie relationship back in the Wii days with WiiWare and it built throughout this gen despite the Wii U’s lackluster performance and the 3DS’ initial struggles. The Nindies branding has done wonders for the devs wanting to make games on Switch.

Sure, games like Skyrim, Bioshock, Witcher 3, Borderlands, DOOM, etc. have been big for the Switch as most of those games have never been on a Nintendo platform before. And it would be nice if Japanese devs start providing more support and original games on Switch. But Nintendo has not been reliant on third parties and, even with next-gen, never will be.