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vivster said:
hunter_alien said:

True, but at the same time a free multiplayer approach could strengthen their position on the market, so that could be a positive outcome. There were examples of companies walking back on bad practices, see multiplayer passes. Maybe we are on the verge to see the same with multiplayer paywalls as well.

d21lewis said:

Corporation are reactionary. Just like during the 7th gen when Sony wasn't as dominant. They did consumer friendly things to get back on track. Now Microsoft is in the position where they have to give even if it hurts. If it works, Sony will respond and we consumers get the benefits.

sales2099 said:

Potential surge in Game Pass subs >>>>>> Gold revenue 

From a corporate standpoint it makes sense. Also the surge in PR and snowball effect knowing your primary competition would still charge for multiplayer. 

Well, there are about a billion examples of new subscription schemes replacing older ones being worse than before, so I'm not holding my breath. If anything pulling a service before the announcement of a new service to replace it could indicate that they do not want people to still get the better subscription model.

I would like to remind everyone that this is the same company that:

1. Locked online play behind a paywall.

2. Openly tried to do aggressive online DRM.

3. Suggested that people should buy outdated devices if they don't like the bullshit on the new one.

If you curb your optimism now you won't be too triggered when the disappointment comes.

I literally have a list of company statements weaponized and ready to launch ready to respond to posts like this. I'll save it for when the time is right, though. I'll just say everyone's favorite company has said/done some questionable things in the past...