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Friday news, part two:

The Xbox Games Showcase promises to be about 'just games'
After a disappointing event back in May, Xbox Games is returning with another showcase next week, and according to marketing boss Aaron Greenberg it's going to be an hour of nothing but games.
>> Good. Let's hope that some of them, if not all, come to PC as well.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light expansion delayed to November
The next big Destiny 2 expansion, Beyond Light, will not make its planned September release. Bungie announced today that, due largely to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it has made the decision to delay the expansion to November.

Summer Game Fest returns next week with a new developer showcase
Summer Game Fest, the online videogame showcase that never ends (it just goes on and on, my friends), will return next week with a new show curated by Geoff Keighley and the Day of the Devs team. The event will feature world-first reveals from iam8bit, Panic, MWM Interactive, Team17, and ustwo games, along with looks at ongoing projects and even a couple of musical performances.

Rainbow Six Siege’s next patch could finally make Oryx good
Rainbow Six Siege’s latest Technical Test Server is trying out dramatic changes for Oryx, Gridlock, and Fuze aimed at making them more fun to play. The new balancing shifts aren’t guaranteed to make it to the live build, but tests like this are typically good indicators of what’s to come in Siege’s mid-season update.

Aquaman villain Black Manta is now a Fortnite skin
Just in time for Fortnite's Aquaman skin, the underwater superhero's archnemesis, the Black Manta, has also arrived in Fortnite as a new skin. You'll have to complete the Aquaman challenges to get Jason Momoa's superhero, but to get Black Manta you'll have to complete the unique challenge of spending real money.

Rogue Legacy 2 Early Access launch has been delayed a month
Originally scheduled to release next week, the Early Access launch of Rogue Legacy 2 has been pushed back to August 18, studio Cellar Door Games has announced. The minor delay is due to some unforeseen hiccups in development.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is getting an in-game marketplace for selling mods
While Microsoft Flight Simulator promises to be absolutely massive, pilots are going to inevitably want more. It will launch with every airport in the world, from huge international ones to tiny landing strips in the middle of a field, and plenty of planes, but there are still gaps. That's where modders and add-on developers are going to come in.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla has Mortal Kombat-style X-ray attacks
Despite the series's increasingly high body count, Assassin's Creed isn't typically very gory, but that's set to change with Assassin's Creed Valhalla. We've already seen quite a bit of Eivor murdering their way through England with plenty of flair and brutality, and it looks like we'll also be able to see all that damage up close.

Worms Armageddon has been updated 21 years after it launched
Invertebrate artillery game Worms Armageddon has quietly released an update 21 years after it first appeared on PC. Developer Team17 launched the game back in 1999, and it quickly gained popularity within the Worms community, making it one of the most popular games in the series.
The 3.8 update includes a bunch of bug fixes and changes, including popular mods that are now permanent features, like the physics mod RubberWorm. There are now 70 new scheme options letting you customise and tweak your matches how you like, so you can manipulate physics, have worms bounce around the map, and fire more than one weapon per turn.

Let's end the news taking a look at the deals from GOG and Steam:



And that's it. Have a happy and gaming weekend.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.