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newwil7l said:
Slownenberg said:

Yeah exactly. MK9 should be a big launch title for Switch 2, MK9 on Switch is just a "oh another Mario Kart?? why?" Unless they change up the formula and experiment with a new style of Mario Kart there is no reason Switch needs a second Mario Kart that is just gonna compete with the other Mario Kart and steal sales from it. Those resources could better be spent on other franchises.

This line of thinking doesn't make sense from a business perspective considering Mario Kart is easily their biggest franchuse now and would provide them with the most profit for said resources.

If that were the case then why doesn't Nintendo release two or three or four mario karts on every system??!

Fact is that if a second Mario Kart came to the Switch it would sell far less than MK8D, while simultaneously cutting off MK8D's legs. Unless they are gonna do something radically different with the franchise there is no reason to have Mario Kart twice on the same system. It is bad business. There's a reason why they only have one Mario Kart on each system. Each Mario Kart is pretty much the same experience, with tech upgrades each generation allowing them to make improvements. Same reason why they only put out one Smash on each system. There would be no tech upgrades for a MK9 released on Switch because Switch is comparable to Wii U in strength - there certainly is not a significant enough difference to have a major impact on the franchise. Having two Mario Karts on Switch is having two incredibly similar experiences on the same system, with the latter one cutting off the sales of the former one. It makes much more business sense to direct that development time and effort to other franchises that gamers are still waiting for on the Switch.

Consumers aren't crying out for a second Mario Kart on the same system. We already have the MK experience on Switch. Nintendo has to do nothing at all to sell another 15+ million Mario Karts on Switch. No reason to rush out a second MK on the same system thats not gonna be able to use better tech to deliver more gameplay features. No reason to not wait for Switch 2 to bring out a sequel that can improve the franchise in every way.

Again, unless Nintendo has brand new ideas to change up the Mario Kart formula there is no reason to bring another Mario Kart out on Switch in what would essentially amount to the same experience with new tracks. There are loads of franchises they haven't even released on Switch yet, it doesn't make business sense to put another MK on Switch when they have loads of IP still waiting for the Switch treatment which will add variety to the library.

These calls for having MK9 on Switch are ill conceived. Mario Kart is the Nintendo franchise that LEAST needs a second game on the Switch. Unless they change up the formula to bring a brand new experience to the Switch instead of basically new tracks, it makes much more sense to get a vastly upgraded game ready for Switch 2 launch a few years down the road. Two Mario Karts on Switch only makes sense to those who had it on the Wii U, which is obviously a small minority of Switch owners.

If you for some reason can't grasp the business sense of this, think about why a new GTA hasn't come out in a long time (only two GTAs have come out in the past 15 years!)...because the last one is still selling like crazy, and the company can focus efforts elsewhere while letting GTA V sell amazing numbers for years. Same deal with Mario Kart. For both of those franchises it makes sense to upgrade once a new gen comes out because they can make big upgrades to the experience. Going by the reasoning of people in the last few posts here, Rockstar should be coming out with a GTA far more often than that, but they know that doesn't make sense.

It would make wayyyyy more business sense for Nintendo to release an overpriced DLC course pack for MK8D with like two new cups for $30, and pick up a few hundred million dollars in revenue with only a fraction of the time and money spent on development and which would also spur on even greater sales of MK8D, rather than spend way more time and money to put a second MK on the same system that just offers a similar experience to what gamers have already spent $60 on, which would also delay by a few years a huge system seller for the Switch 2.

Last edited by Slownenberg - on 15 July 2020