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oh geez, a new mining raze, and at the turn of a new set of good GPU's as well, hmm, I wonder why this is happening...

Could it be yet another, well timed occurrence for Nvidia to possibly once again claim scarcity and at the same time, greatly inflating prices, as well as 3rd party vendors/creators doing the same?.

I mean, come on, it's going to happen. I hate bitcoin mining with a passion and I'd love to see it dead as the dodo, but I can't help but think at this point, that it's a bit fishy how it's only just ramping up again, just now, when we're at the very cusp of a new set of cards. Why wasn't there a ramp up with the 1st gen RTX cards, why when we're getting to the good cards?.

Last edited by Chazore - on 15 July 2020

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"