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DonFerrari said:
twintail said:

I'm pretty sure that's not what they said.,but rather that Boost mode will allow this.

I imagine it is game dependant and the results will vary a lot.

But I'm more than willing to be proven wrong of course. 4k60 being possible for most games would of course be fantastic. 

And boost mode will basically work for every game.

It probably won't be as robust as the BC solution on MS that will also add HDR. But should improve all games. Sure some devs may also go above and beyond and patch the games for PS5 for even better performance.

TallSilhouette said:

I'm sure the PS5 will be powerful enough to run PS4 games at 4k60, but I'd be greatly surprised if it could run games locked to 1080p30 at such without patches for those games. Dynamic resolutions and unlocked/unstable frame rates should be topped up nicely, though.

Well the boost mode was said to work for most of the titles. So I think for the top selling games it will work fine, and even for most games it should also work fine.

EnricoPallazzo said:

Games already struggle to run at 1080 30fps so I really doubt they would be able to run at 4k 60fps.

I really wish they were, but time and time again I have been proven right that developers dont care about performance. 

Also consoles, save very rare situations, do not allow for tweaks in settings to make it run better. This is why unfortunately I'm thinking about building a pc. 

Why do you think PS5 would struggle to run PS4 games at 1080p30fps?

Never said that. I said current gen struggle at 1080p 30fps. Mostly of course, sony first party games usually have no trouble.