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goopy20 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

You can try to change history all you want but we all remember the thread. Yeah, graphically games like Killzone SF were obviously a step up from PS3. But you weren’t arguing that. You were arguing that games like Killzone and Infamous offered not only better graphics but also gameplay possibilities and design not possible on previous gen. It was only after numerous people proved you wrong (and you yourself did to when you linked to a DF Infamous article that literally said it was a PS3 game with increased visuals) that you flip flopped to saying gameplay doesn’t matter, what really matters are graphics. 

So again... what is the problem? Even the games MS showed in May were a clear jump visually. Are they as big a jump a MS’s own first party games? Judging by Hellblade and Halo, obviously not. You’re making this case for Sony being next gen but then not picking these irrelevant qualifications you think MS doesn’t abide by because you take interview quotes completely out of context of flat out lie about what they are saying. 

If you’re expecting incredible gameplay changes not possible on last gen, the Sony event and the MS May event showed you that you’ll be disappointed. But that’s console launches for you. Also, how are they going to increase GP subs by sticking to Xbone and low tier PC’s? The Scorpio is already discontinued. The S won’t be far behind. Again, why do you even bother talking Xbox? lol

I answered your question, just not in the way you’d hoped. Also, you should look up what tangent means so you don’t look silly using it incorrectly again.

Answer this question, do devs not utilize hardware better as the generations go on? Did PS4 peak with Knack and Killzone? Or did developers get better with the hardware and make games with better visuals? 

I said next gen games typically means new experiences. More immersion is a new experience and that is what a generational jump in graphics usually means. The dimension jumping in Ratchet & Clank makes the game more immersive. Now if that had 30 second loading screens, it would completely break the immersion and it would have been pointless to put it in the game in the first place.

MS's strategy isn't only about the Xbox One. Obviously they'll not be supporting it for another 7 years. But since they're not pushing next gen tech, MS will just look at how they'll potentially reach the biggest user base and target the lowest common denominator. They'll likely be targeting a 4Tflops Lockhart and low-end pc for the remainder of next gen. Not sure how a low-end pc will compare to Series X, 4 years from now. But it might take a while before RTX2080 like performance and NVME SSD becomes standard on pc.

Why would it need 30 second load screens for what was essentially a scripted sequence? You didn’t explore those worlds as you jumped through. Again, it’s funny how low your bar for “real next gen” is with PS5 yet with MS, who you claim has been badly marketing next gen and lowering your expectations and making you angry, your bar could not be higher. 

Oh cool so now immersion is what matters. Another goal post shift. Did you see the Hellblade cinematic? Since you’re so giddy over the HFW cinematic, you must also be thrilled about the Hellblade one too, right? That was incredible. Did you see the lighting and weather effects? And the sound. Talk about being immersed. You can find YouTube videos of literal Viking descendants being amazed at the sounds and visuals of the game and how authentic they are. So next time you’re admittedly very angry about what Microsoft is doing, just remember that. Oh and remember Halo, because one second you’re saying it will be 4k and 120fps and the next second you’re saying MS isn’t pushing the XSX hardware. Have you considered you might get less angry about MS if y oh stopped relying on so much FUD?