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goopy20 said:

There are definitely some exceptions like Shadow Hunter and BF3 where developers didn't compromise on the pc version. But generally speaking, aren't the pc games we play on high-end gpu's still designed around the limitations of the ps4/Xbox One hardware?

If by mean "designed around the limitations of PS4/Xbox One Hardware" as if Developers have settled on a formula that sells millions of copies of games? Then yes.

Not all games will benefit from faster storage... A 2D platformer like Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a prime example, the datasets can exist entirely within memory and just load the entire level.

Long install times will continue to exist as well, the SSD won't make much of a difference there, the hard drive wasn't the limiting factor on that front.

As for PC games, they are pushing new rendering effects like Ray Tracing, they aren't being held back by consoles to much.

goopy20 said:

SSD has been around for a long time on pc but I have never played a game with zero loading times. I also think that when next gen starts, we'll finally see what a RTX2080 can really do, besides just running current gen games in 4k and 120fps.

I have. There are plenty of PC games that don't have load times, some games may have an initial load and that is it... Diablo comes to mind.

Plus the PC is working with more memory... A Mid-range PC of today has more overall memory than the un-released next-gen consoles, it takes time to unpack and load that data in.

Yeah, it would be good to see what an RTX 2080 can do, the Xbox Series X might be the best representation of that, but in a few months the RTX 2080 is likely to be mid-range in capability, still impressive, but mid-range.


Yup Rachet and Clank streaming entire  worlds in an instant or are you telling me ps4 and Xbox one are able to do the same?

Plenty of games have you "teleporting" between different worlds/level sets in an instant.

Final Fantasy 8 on the Playstation 1 did it.

The transition from Oblivion to Shivering Isles did it.

If you have all the data necessary in memory, then you wouldn't even need to stream it.

What makes the Playstation 5 impressive and "different" in this regard is the sheer quality of the assets being employed, which is what makes it impossible on current consoles... But the idea of teleporting between different worlds and streaming that data in? That my dear watson has been around for decades.

goopy20 said:

Ray Tracing does look like a thing that could make the Series X version stand out from the Xone version. Not really sure to be honest as we've seen some pretty different results on the RTX games. Metro really makes good use of it while in other games it's just some extra reflections that aren't that noticeable. I would love to see Path tracing, though. That would truly be a game changer.

There are games on the Xbox One and Playstation 4 which use Global Illumination leveraging various Ray Tracing techniques to various extents.

Ray Tracing isn't a technique that has "popped up" overnight, but it seemsr everyone has latched onto the marketing buzzwords without understanding it's implications, it's been a path the entire industry has been heading towards for decades.

Towards the end of the 7th gen, developers would often do a GI path traced lighting pass and then bake that detailing into the game for very cheap. - But it also came with the caveat of not being real time.


You're not jumping in the same level though. It's a completely different world.As soon as you talk about omitting things you are talking about change game designs,so it's not the same game. The whole aspect of the game is jumping from one world to the next on the fly.So no it's not possible on current generation because of the SSD.

Please people go and listen to actual developers talk about the massive difference in designing a game for ssd vs hdd.

It is entirely possible.
You just can't stream as much data. - And as such, you need to give up something to ensure you can fit all the required data in working set memory, such as asset quality.

Over a period of 30 seconds a decent mechanical disk can transfer 3GB of data... Where-as the SSD can transfer 165GB of data...
That 3GB of data supplements the 5.5GB of working memory for a total of 8.5GB of total data over a 30 second time period.
If you can fit multiple worlds in that working memory set (Keep in mind entire worlds on the OG Xbox could fit in 64MB), then you can jump between levels without a single load.

Obviously you do need to give up something such as asset quality and number of *different* objects.

But it's always been possible, just not at that Playstation 5's level of visual fidelity, that is where it's ground breaking.

sales2099 said:

July 23 is about the games and new experiences. And no matter what you say I have no doubts that games like Halo Infinite or Hellblade 2 on Series X will look amazing. I will say as a Halo fan, we are far more concerned with the gameplay being good, less so the visuals. The Slipspace engine reveal trailer was enough to sell me on the graphics. 

Im just pointing out that MS can announce games that fall outside the cross gen window as well that Sony is ultimately in the exact same position at launch with those games I mentioned. We know of more games that are possible on PS4 then games that show a true generational leap. 

The rest is just you doing the same song and dance. It’s FUD and repetitive. 

We haven't seen what the Slipspace engine can fully deliver though.
Some of the lighting and DoF passes were impressive in the engine reveal, but then some aspects like the continued use of sprites stuck out like a sore thumb.

goopy20 said:

I know but its not just about the launch games. People tend to buy a new console based on the promise of what's to come. MS is promising no next gen exclusives for the coming 2 years...

Let's be honest though. Exclusives in the first 2 years of a consoles life cycle have never showcased what the hardware is fully capable of, that is something that tends towards the end of a generation.

Last edited by Pemalite - on 11 July 2020

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