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People are confused, that games at the befining of a gen tend to be crosgen is by choice of the companies. Not because they cant do the upgrades or knowledge of the hardware or what ever. But to sell their games to as many people as possible. Its usually up to the platform holder to sell their device and once the installbase is there devs choose to utilize the full capabilities of the hardware and drop the previous one. But third party's tend to care for profits first so they won't push for upgrades. So thouse games tend to not be the best possible. Thus wont sell the hardware as much cuz gamers have no reason to upgrade. So if MS does not push the hardware, giving the consumer a reason to upgrade, then they won't and therefore third party's will have to reason to also drop last gen if they wont make their money on the ip. So if the series x thanks to this "pro consumer" approach does not have any acceptable installbase after the promised 2 years then I do see this timelimit being extended.

Frankly I see these first couple of years the ps5 just runing away with the sales more than the ps4 did. If the gap grows bigger, which all signs point to it everywhere but the US, then I do see a lot of devs just making ps5 exclusives, therefore making the gap get bigger.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.