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My issue is here that with AMD adjusting their prices up to Nvidia, they are actually doing the worse thing. Nvidia has raised their prices in the past 5 years considerably, but that coincides with them putting out banger after banger of GPU. Nvidia architectures haven't just been great because the lack of competition, they are great just on their own and compared to their own products. Nvidia has been innovating and not holding back any performance even though they easily could've. Their price hikes may not be completely justified but you know what's even less justified? AMD adjusting their prices up without delivering competitive products.

If you go hard on Nvidia for high prices you should go even harder on AMD if they follow it up. If we want prices to come down due to competition then AMD has to price their chips at the level we would like them to have based on their performance and features. But we already know AMD won't do that.

Nvidia's higher prices are basically just our self imposed tax for them not putting on the breaks when they could've due to a lack of competition.

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