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EricHiggin said:

Second place has it's benefits as well though. You aren't expected to always have the newest features. You aren't expected to have the best tech. You're seen as the underdog, which helps a lot if you ever decide to take a shot at the title. The fall is a lot further from the top.

But that's the thing though, AMD is coming in now with lesser drivers, lesser tech and still going for Nvidia's pricing ideals, which is just going to end with them at a net loss, and hardly anyone will want to bother with them, when Nvidia is already on their 2nd gen RT, while AMD charges the same price and hardly bothering, let alone not adding in tech like DLSS, GFE (still lacking in the AMD dept for many features GFE has) as well as GFN (which was a boon for CDPR showing off Cyberpunk to review outlets during the pandemic, where's AMD's neato extremely helpful feature and pro push for that?).

MS has also been the underdog for years now in the console space. Sony's been pulling ahead time and time again, they've got the money and mind-share, deals made all around, now we've got the sweet spot Epic+Sony buddying up, with MS and no one (Nvidia isn't helping them, AMD, god knows wtf they are pushing that's as worthy as what Nvidia is bringing to PC gaming, to Xbox levels). MS has been playing that title for years now and it's hardly helped them pull a massive, heavy hitting, outta the park hit, that lands them a top spot, which you would naturally and eventually think an underdog would achieve in the end, but they've yet to get to that point, and we both know they won't, because Sony's got next gen in the bag thanks to mind-share and partnerships, just like how Nvidia has an insane amount of mind-share with their GPU's and tech. 

I just don't see how being an underdog-=being the same as top place or it somehow being a good position to stay comfortable in for decades on end. Being 2nd place for years just shows you cannot last forever, and that you're just not good enough. I already look at MS as having lost the console space for some time now. I'm just waiting for them to eventually drop it and move back to PC, because let's face it, that's where they started, that's where they ultimately belong.

They never really belonged or fit in all that well with the console space, and sales, lacking mind-share and memorable content (outside of shooty shooty bang bang titles) just prove this over time. Maybe if they take this upcoming gen by a complete storm, and firmly secure it throughout the new gen, then maybe I'd pay credence to that underdog anology, but right now, I don't see it as being something of a good thing. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"