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kirby007 said:
COKTOE said:

Don't know his work ( although I did see him on YouTube last summer, checked him out, and quickly moved on) but he looks like the kind of guy who would fuck up everything in his professional life by being a dumbass, and breaching the duh-duh no-no terms of his lucrative, freshly signed contract. Plus, it makes the most amount of sense given all the information presented in this thread.

Mark my guess down as"banned for being a dumbass".

If he was just cheating on his wife, or diddling kids, I suppose I'll have to eat some crow.

you are someone who believes the milliondollarman was real? him being who he is is typical kayfabe shit

I scanned the thread and mentioned the information within it makes breach of contract the most plausible guess. I barely watched him, as I also mentioned, so when I say "looks like", I'm referring to his appearance, not how he acts when he's playing pretend. In character or not, his appearance, specifically his innate characteristics, exudes qualities that I associate with a special kind of self-sabatoging dumbassery. Difficult to explain. It's primal. Instinctual. Like I said, if he ends up being some kind of sex monster, I will apologize and admit my guess was wrong.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."