BraLoD said:
Based on PD schedules GT7 should still be indeed at least a year away, probably more. But I doubt GTS will be of much relevancy with the PS5 around, only the top level games should still have the power to move considerable amounts after this holidays. |
Quite possibly, or with BC and a good patch GTS could get a little more life on it until they are ready to give us GT7.
JuliusHackebeil said:
Yeah, totally, people like to consume differently. Interesting to hear, that what I do is out of the question for you. I just want it to be out there that I have no problems at all with TLoU2's representation of different charakters. Honestly, I think it is great that we get actiony charakters like Nadine (U4/Lost Legacy) or the one now in TLoU2 that are very muscular. It always strikes me as unbelievable when supermodels brawl 120 kg dudes. It is actually quite good how they do representation. Because the characters stories and personalities are never confined by their sexuality, skin colour, etc. For example, the game is not at all about Ellie being a lesbian, she just happens to be one. Makes it feel so natural and normal. I really like that. I called the game preachy because a large portion of the game revolves around a moral lesson, that is thaught with as much subtlety as any cartoon can muster. The dialogue is cringy at times (at others the writing as quite good). The pacing is awful. Some scenes seem to not connect at all. Motivation of some characters is questionable at best. How their arcs form is very unsatisfying. And so much more, that I can't say without using names and spoiling stuff. It is a in quite some parts a hot, irredeemable mess. Tonight I'll be watching the ending. I hope my opinion is swayed in a bit of a positive direction. |
Yep people complaining of Ellie having caring conversation with Dina are wrong on it, it is very expected that newly formed couples will do that small talk several times and would be the same if they were heterossexual. And they are teens so that would also be expected.
Well I guess I missed the moral lesson =p I don't think they were trying to teach anything, just show how things unravelled for both. On the pacing I liked, and the flashbacks for me were good for me, but also I can see that people that wanted to like the game hated it.
duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"
Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"
Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."