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I'm glad he came forward and said something I'd believed for years.  Instead of comparisons to Schindler's List, I'd rather talk about Citizen Kane though.  Lots of game developers want to see the "Citizen Kane of video games", but they don't understand why Citizen Kane was an important movie.

Film makers and cinephiles realize that film used to imitate theatre a lot as a medium.  Orson Welles was considered a genius, because he developed a lot of techniques in Citizen Kane to further film as a medium.  For example he used camera angles to enhance story telling which is something that theatre could never do.  Citizen Kane showed how film could actually be a better medium for story telling because it was a different medium.  It didn't have to imitate another medium any longer.

That is why it is extremely ironic to say "this is a piece of great art" when it is a video game trying to be like a movie.  Games like The Last of Us might be fun, but they do not further gaming as a medium.  A game like Undertale tells a story while actually leveraging the unique strengths of gaming.  Or there is Dark Souls, which is so influential that now every innovative game is compared to Dark Souls.  These games are a lot closer to what a "Citizen Kane of gaming" looks like, because they actually advance gaming as a unique medium instead of trying to imitate film.