DonFerrari on 22 June 2020
HoangNhatAnh said:
Otter said:
99% of successful games with great legs cannot reach 20m despite of any kind of price cut or bundle so how exactly does this support your argument that it will have terrible legs?
What are you talking about? I never said anything about terrible legs.
Otter said:
TLOU is not a competitive franchise in the Japan so such a thread would be pointless.
It'll be like someone making a thread that THLOU2 sold 20x Xenoblade in the UK, no one would do it because it would be a dumb comparison. Animal Crossing however was a monster launch across the globe, so the comparison gives you an idea of how big TLOU2's launch was in the UK because AC was another huge launch recently.
But EU is Sony land, who would have thought.
PotentHerbs said:
There is less competition on the Switch in terms of third party releases.
Don't know about that, even in NES/SNES era, Nintendo games always sold the most at full price for a very long time.
Also, how many of these games are 1st party?[platform][0]=Nintendo%20Switch
Otter said:
The reality is Sony doesn't have to price cut their games and inversely Nintendo could choose to cut the price on most of their releases, even Mario Kart would sell even more with a price cut. It's just a different approach from both companies.
The idea that Nintendo keeps the $60 price tag because their games sell indefinitely is a myth. Not every Nintendo game is Mario Kart or Pokemon. Nintendo games have great legs but the majority of the 40+ games they've publsihed on Switch have sold 5m or under. Nintendo keep price high both as branding strategy (seal of quality) and a revenue strategy. Links Awakening and Luigi's Mansion are two successful games that have fallen off the charts and could definitely afford a price cut to get them selling better, but Nintendo is comfortable letting them sell 5-8m at full price, then selling 8-11m at a lower price.
Sony and others could do the same but that would create a far less healthy climate considering the number of AAA games on Playstation 4. This way their are far more games purchases in general and success is more evenly spread amongst publishers. From a consumer stand point its also great. When I got my PS4 I bought Uncharted 4, FFXV and Witcher 3 for the price of one Nintendo game. The translates directly into the fact that I only buy like 2 Switch games per year and they're always from Nintendo.
About your "reality", i only know some Nintendo big games keep selling millions at full price after 3-4, even 5 years. I haven't seen that happened to any Sony game.
DonFerrari said:
You could do your thread about that or about WW numbers when they release, but then again response threads are forbidden.
I'm only asking about it, other Nintendo fans will do it if necessary because i don't even need that thread for now.
And I explained why such a thread shouldn't be created. And you saying other Nintendo fans would do and that you don't need it FOR NOW seems like you really wanted to have it as response thread because you don't like this thread with a game outselling AC, for what reason did you ask then?