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Jaicee said:
DarkD said:

What sane detractor would ever say "wait for the reviews" on a woke game?  You could spit in the box and ship it instead of the game, as long as the box says a bunch of woke talking points, the professional game reviewers would still give it 10/10.  They would have literally been fired if they did anything else but praise the game.  

Unless you meant user reviews.  Which I don't think I even need to mention given how theres already SJWs screaming at the top of their lungs about how unfair the reviews are.  Despite the fact that apparently Europe got the game 3 days early so they did in fact have a chance to play.  

And as I've stated before, the sales aren't in.  Day one are always sold out.  Just like the next Playstation console will sell out day one just like the next Nintendo will sell out day one.  Everything big sells out day one.  If it DIDN'T sell out day one, that would have been the apocalypse right there.  

Dude, what exactly are the "woke talking points" you're referring to? I'm more than 10 hours into this game so far and am finding it deeply, deeply centrist politically. (Feel free to use the spoiler tags.) Somebody needs to actually answer this question concretely for me with something other than "there are lesbians" for me to buy it.

I have avoided all spoilers so I cannot confirm this yet (still playing and enjoying the game), but I think the biggest controversial point seems to be from the leaks (since a lot of people bombing it have not even played the game).  I also gather that it has to do with the end of the game.

But again, I cannot confirm at this time.  I would rather enjoy a good game and have it ruined at the end, than tarnish my experience now by spoiling it.  Or conversely, get to the end and find out that the entire thing is overblown and taken out of context without knowing exactly what goes down during Ellie's travels.  Like they are missing a piece of the puzzle.

Like I said, I will judge for myself when I finish the game.  I worked hard to go in blind on this one.

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