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Christopher Dring


The Last of Us Part II is the UK’s fastest selling Sony game on PS4, bigger than the Uncharted 4 launch in boxed sales alone. It’s the biggest game launch this year by far, smashing the opening sales of Animal Crossing, and comfortably bigger than its predecessor



Buckle up. The Last of Us Part II has its first record breaking moment

- Biggest Sony opening EVER in the UK
- Biggest launch of 2020 by far in the UK, passing Animal Crossing

And this is physical only not counting digital sales

We've got a monster worldwide opening incoming
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Biggest launch this year in UK (physical)
Biggest launch for Sony (physical)

TLOU Part II (FRI) exceeds > 192k units

Some Sony first party titles numbers (physical only) :

  1. Uncharted 4 (TUE) : 192k
  2. Spider-Man (FRI) : 190k
  3. Uncharted 3 (TUE) : 116k
  4. Horizon Zero Dawn (WED) : 114k
  5. God of War (FRI) : 96k
  6. Heavy Rain (WED) : 86k
  7. Uncharted 2 (FRI) : 84k

TLOU (FRI) : 84k < x < 116k

So this makes TLOU2 a critical and commercial success for Sony. Considering just how high Sony's digital % is these last few months, this game is going to be a juggernaught!  Congrats to ND and Sony on this masterpiece!