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NightlyPoe said:
haxxiy said:

To a number of interpretations of Christianity, where that particular morality comes from, maybe, yes.

I did not mention Christianity or any other religion.  There is a sound secular argument that abortion is an act of violence that should not be allowed in a civilized society.

Bringing religion into the matter is trying to create a straw man.

But to secular Law, no right is an absolute right, not even the right to life. This is why things like the right to self-defense and defense of others exist. Or euthanasia, military necessity, capital punishment etc.

Yes, but none of those apply.  I specifically used the word "arbitrarily" for a reason, mainly to short-circuit this argument.  One does not need to believe in "never kill" to believe that giving a person the unquestioned right to kill at will is unacceptable.

Again, this is a straw man

You seem to believe women are playing dice to decide to have an abortion. They're not. That's often the last step of very traumatic processes and circumstances.

Your "sound secular arguments" don't exist either outside of a modern age Western humanist philosophy that stems from the earlier works of Augustine and others. So, my point stands. I always lol at people who fail to realize how much they are the product of a specific historic and cultural context and think they hace achieved some sort of universal truth.

There's two people born every second, so no shortage of precious human lives for you to care about. Go do something for them instead of patrolling other people's wombs.