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100/100 from Gaming Age

""With an enthralling story, complex characters, interesting gameplay and gorgeous visuals and audio, The Last of Us Part II is probably one of the most polished videogame experiences out there and it’s pretty easy to give it a great score and call it a day. But honestly, thanks to the intense pace, mature subject matter and stressful situations, it may not be for everyone. I definitely could not marathon through it for more than a couple hours without breaks and/or switching it up with lighter fare, which along with the unexpected length, delayed this review a bit. Most may see that as a net positive, although after 20+ hours I started to wonder when some sort of resolution was finally coming. Of course, in the end, it was indeed all worth it. Being a strictly single player experience, beyond cleaning up some Trophies, taking photos, seeking out collectibles and re-visiting chapters at more difficult settings, there’s not a ton to do after the credits roll. That’s more of an observation than a criticism though.

So do we recommend The Last of Us Part II? Most definitely! It’s yet another top tier, must-have release from Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment that PS4 owners should add to their library.""

100/100 from 'The Sydney Morning Herald'

Brutal and beautiful, The Last of Us sequel is a harrowing masterpiece

""This is a singular game that blends cutting edge technology and silky big-budget design with stellar cinematic and literary storytelling. Of course the story can't strictly compare to most accomplished films or books, just like the gameplay might not satisfy fans of pure fantastical shooters, but the end result is nonetheless breathtaking.

I cried reading a random note left by a mother trying to raise her child in a most dangerous place, as well as during a particularly happy scene with Joel during Ellie's birthday, and unlike most video games some the biggest narrative moments are when the characters don't say a word. This is a game that really does look for the light, even if it spends most of its time examining the darkness.""

Buy this Masterpiece, games like this are only released every 100 years. It's out now.

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.