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DonFerrari said:
eva01beserk said:

No it wasent. With TLOU nothing was forced in any way. It dint even come into the main story so it afected nothing. Then in the Left Behind dlc it was done elegantly, not shoe horned or anything. You could have gone throw the entire DLC without expecting it untill the very end. Where that became an issue was with uncharted 4. It felt very force to a point that it broke realism and immersion. Comon man she took down 2 guys down on her own that just finished wiping out a small army. I will give you that aside from thouse forced moments the game was awsome and very enjoyable. 

And im not gona go into spoilers, but even with only thouse scenes available I can tell, that everything I enjoyed about the first game was taken away. Not just in SJW nonsese, but also a very crappy and completely unbelievable story.  

I was pissed with her on UC4 as well, but not exactly because she is a woman. But because I mawled every oponent in the 3 previous iterations and also when in control could do all I wanted against her, but on the out of control she would do two guys without even being hit. But that is a common thing in games, like you shooting against 50 oponents without issue and even taking some shots meaning nothing. But on CG a single shoot from an unknown enemy almost kill you.

When we both have played TLOU2 then we can say if it disapointed.

I would be pissed even if it wasent a woman. The act itself no matter the gender broke immersion. And the bullet sponge thing is not really a point as the game just makes that all shots magically miss and when your health is low what ever shot hits you  its like the 1/100000000. So its like a luck meter actually. 

Trust me Ill play it even though im extremely disappointed. I cant say ill pay full price for it, but somewhere down the line ill get it preferably used as I dont want to support this game, but I owe it to the love for the first one to at least play it. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.