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DonFerrari said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

Dude, dont push it. I already said I saw hours and hours of gameplay and cutscenes and dialogue, the list of chapters and their names, I know the sequence of events, characters that does not appear in the trailers, how dies, who lives and when, what ND is lying on the traillers, etc and etc.

As for the SJW stuff that's a discussion for another place as a woke forum will be the worst place in the world to discuss it as I already learned.

But if you guys think I dont like the game because I'm not a real fan (as implied previously), because I'm not liberal (implied previously), because I have seen the ending (not going there again), because I need to play it all to the end to decide if I like it or whatever, ok.

As for any mod that comes here, I'm sorry but my initial statement was only "I'm really interested to see peoples reactions" and that "I think there is something wrong with so many reviews giving it a 10" and have only been explaining for all the people asking why I have this opinion.

For people that will buy the game, go for it, it's a masterpiece from a technical point of view and try to go blind without watching any review or even reading it.

I'm outta here.

I'm very against woke mentality and SJW in general. And pointed to you that this "agenda" was already in the making of TLOU, Left Behind, UC4, Lost Legacy and now TLOU2. In the other 4 games it didn't impact my pleasure playing at all so I'll wait to judge TLOU2 playing it, because it is quite different see and play. And not getting the full picture is one of the reasons Spoilers can be so damaging. But feel free to call ND liers, as you were free to say reviewers are all bought, afraid of the corporations, etc. Still we got like 10% of under 90 reviews even when you said no one would be allowed to give one.

No it wasent. With TLOU nothing was forced in any way. It dint even come into the main story so it afected nothing. Then in the Left Behind dlc it was done elegantly, not shoe horned or anything. You could have gone throw the entire DLC without expecting it untill the very end. Where that became an issue was with uncharted 4. It felt very force to a point that it broke realism and immersion. Comon man she took down 2 guys down on her own that just finished wiping out a small army. I will give you that aside from thouse forced moments the game was awsome and very enjoyable. 

And im not gona go into spoilers, but even with only thouse scenes available I can tell, that everything I enjoyed about the first game was taken away. Not just in SJW nonsese, but also a very crappy and completely unbelievable story.  

User was banned for this comment - Hiku

Last edited by Hiku - on 18 June 2020

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.