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Another day, another round of news!


Eye of the Beholder 2, one of the best dungeon crawlers ever, is free on GOG
A few years back I wrote about why you should play the 1991 D&D classic Eye of the Beholder 2: The Legend of Darkmoon. Now here's another one: It's free on GOG until June 19.
Eye of the Beholder 1 and 3 are okay, but EOB2 is where it's at, and if you're not sure you want to power through an entire trilogy of decades-old dungeon crawling it works perfectly well as a standalone experience. It's got everything a great D&D game needs, including sprawling dungeons, sinister bad guys, and a clean, clear divide between good and evil.

The Escapists 2, Pathway free on Epic Games Store from today
It's time for the next rotation of free games on the Epic Games Store, and this week is all about strategy — you can grab both Pathway and The Escapists 2. While Pathway is about breaking into tombs and getting your Indiana Jones on by fighting with cultists, Nazis and bandits, in the Escapists 2, you spend your time planning your big breakout from prison. You can get these games from 4 pm BST/8 am PDT/11 am EST.

Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights and more in big Dungeons and Dragons Steam and GOG sale
One of the biggest announcements during the Guerrilla Collective Games festival was that Baldur's Gate 3 is coming to Early Access this August, circumstances permitting. A great time, then, to start a Baldur's Gate replay or to dip your toes into the wider world of CRPGs. Both Steam and GOG are running a sale on games inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, including Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale and more.
>> Here are the links to the Steam and the GOG sales.

Besides the D&D sale, GOG has other deals:

And Steam has a new daily deal: Wintermoor Tactics Club is 34% off:

And Fanatical has three new deals (the Star Deal hasn't been updated yet, it will take another two hours so check it our by yourselves later):




Deus Ex Remake Demo in Unreal Engine 4 released, features advanced physics & ray tracing
Deus Ex fans, here is something special for you today. A team of indie developers are currently working on a Deus Ex Remake in Unreal Engine 4, and they have released a demo for it. Yeap, you read that right; you can download a demo of this fan remake right now.
This fan Deus Ex Remake supports both advanced physics and ray tracing effects. From what we can see, the demo features the training mission from the original game. And, to be honest, this is exactly how a modern-day “faithful” remake of Deus Ex would look like.
>> There's a video of this demo, but it runs like crap. The demo itself is available from Reddit.


Here are 8 minutes of gameplay from The Forgotten City based on the award winning mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Forgotten City is a standalone game based on the award winning mod for the beloved RPG, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The mod was initially released back in 2015 on Nexus.
Now it has more than twenty-four thousand endorsements, and half a million of total downloads. This game is a re-imagining of the original mod that won a national Writers’ Guild award.

Assassin’s Creed Origins will be free to play this weekend
Ubisoft has just announced that Assassin’s Creed Origins will be free to play this weekend. From June 19th and until June 21st, PC gamers will be able to download and play the previous Assassin’s Creed game for free.

EA Origin overlay client is causing performance issues on the Steam version of Mass Effect 3
EA recently released a new set of games on STEAM this past week, including Mass Effect, Battlefield, and the Star Wars Battlefront series. It has now come to our notice that a lot of Mass Effect 3 players are currently facing performance issues with the STEAM version of this game, as evident from this forum thread.

The developer of Night in the Woods teases a new game
The Glory Society recently posted an animated image on Twitter saying “the moon rises, the wind changes”. The Glory Society founded back in 2019 by Bethany Hockenberry, Scott Benson, and Wren Farren. The first two developers worked on Night in the Woods, an exceptionally good independent game from Infinite Fall.

Red Dead Redemption 2 appears to run faster in Linux on AMD GPUs
FlightlessMango has shared an interesting comparison video between the Linux and Windows performance in Red Dead Redemption 2. According to its findings, this particular game appears to be running faster in Linux on AMD’s hardware.
>> The same is not true for Nvidia cards.

Sea of Thieves Haunted Shores Update is now available for download
Microsoft and Rare have announced that the June free monthly update for Sea of Thieves, Haunted Shores, is available for download. This update is now out for all Sea of Thieves players across Windows 10 PC, Steam and with Xbox Game Pass.

Codemasters reveals the release date for Dirt 5, unveils new trailer
Codemasters has just revealed the release date for its latest racing game, Dirt 5. According to the team, its new high-octane off-road racing game will come out on the PC on October 9th. In order to celebrate this announcement, the team has also released a new trailer that you can find below.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot June 18 update is out and here are its patch notes
Bandai Namco has released the June 18 update for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, which is around 800MB in size on the PC platform. This is a minor update, so don’t expect a lot of changes. Still, you can go ahead and read its full patch notes below.

Detroit: Become Human & Beyond: Two Souls are available on Steam without Denuvo
Quantic Dream has just released Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls on the PC. Now what’s really interesting about these releases is that they do not feature the Denuvo anti-tamper tech. However, the Epic Games Store versions, which came out first, are still using it.
>> The author of the article had an interesting slip, don't you think?

Here are the first 23 minutes of gameplay from Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Hardspace: Shipbreaker is space salvage simulator from developer Blackbird Interactive, creator of the Homeworld series. The game is now available through Early Access on Steam for twenty dollars.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.