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curl-6 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Fucking Lorithia. Great way to ruin the momentum of the ending chapter. Fuck this hoe!!!!

Lorithia has a specific weakness; pick Melia, spam her with ether attacks and watch her drop like a pterodactyl turd.

Problem wasn't really party set up (though yea I did look up tips on that front as well, and like you said Melia definitely helped), the issue was moreso that I entered the area at about level 68, and she really didn't seem manageable until about ~73. Which wouldn't be much of a problem, but I found grinding took a surprising amount of time. And grinding in that area was just awful, all the easy enemies gave you little XP, all the hard enemies were in areas where you could easily fall down to an acid pool or have another enemy get into your line of sight (even if you try not to, since the fliers have a very large path of travel). It took too long and was kinda annoying, but it's fine. 

It's okay though, I beat her 15 minutes ago. Like you said, with the right party, and with characters leveled up she's quite easy. Everything is really manageable in this game if you know what you're doing.