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The disconnect I have is that Kojima really isn't in a position to teach me anything, for the simple facts that my interests have  already lead me to tread over the same ground as what's found in the games and that I leave no stone unturned in pursuing knowledge in subjects I'm interested in.  He can only share, not inform.  Others may not have looked into the topics he presents before, so to them there may be some lessons.  I do appreciate his ambition and singular vision when it comes to game creation though.

 I'm more interested in themes that are relevant on a more intimate or universal human level, like poverty, child abuse, jealousy, mental illness, death (which I think is touched upon exceptionally in MGS3 in the Sorrow "battle"),  nature vs. civilization, duty and responsibility etc. Cloning, PMC's, genomes, fate, destiny etc. are nice mental busywork, but in practice not really relevant or practical to daily human existence.

So all that's left is the characters, and video games aren't to the point where they contain naturalistic, nuanced character acting on par with great cinema. There are no video game equals to a classic Daniel Day Lewis or DeNiro performance in all their complexity and deep recesses of humanity.

And if there is one game that is an acheivement in interactive narrative, it's Silent Hill 2.  As haunting and phsycologically rich as anything I've seen in quite a while, and excels in the horror genre.