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goopy20 said:
sales2099 said:

Hi, let’s have a reasonable discussion :)

First off I think it’s almost certain fans on both sides will be comparing the two conferences, especially their 1st party offerings. Been done since ancient times and that’s not gonna change anytime soon. Secondly, it can’t be about quality because the games aren’t out. We don’t know the metacritic. So at this point it’s about quantity, as in which company has the most games I want to play. 

You can’t really mention Grounded anymore in that tone with Sony showing their own cartoony style smaller games. It’s a two way street. As for the other games some were what you said like Rachet and Horizon 2. The others, now this is just my opinion but based on my own impressions and what Twitter is showing, games like Spiderman and GT don’t strike me as built from the ground up on PS5. Spiderman was confirmed to be a expansion to the 2018 game right? So it’s built off the base game and likely limited to PS5 to drive demand (because after all its spiderman). GT7, and I’ll tread lightly here, there’s been screens and gifs that show slight pop in and less then optimal textures.

To show I’m not being baseless and trolling. You are entitled to your opinion but I personally am skeptical that all the launch window games are taking full advantage. 

But other then that, I would recommend to stop talking about Forza or Halo being not cross gen. You know it and so do i. It’s not gonna happen. It’s cross gen and that’s how it’s going to be. Whether you choose to take it as it is on console or Pc is your call but please let’s drop the persona in this regard thanks. 

Sure, lets try that :)

I think the big difference here is that Sony has a proven track record. They've been basically hitting out of the park with their exclusives for over a decade now, while MS has failed to launch a single successful new ip since Gears 1. Obviously, there were some good games like Ori and I'm sure we'll see a lot of cool smaller scale titles in July. But that simply aren't the type of games that will move a lot of next-gen consoles. 

Sony's also has those smaller scale titles and their launch lineup probably isn't going to be perfect either. However, everybody knows the bombs from their 1st party studios will come later. With MS we just don't know and they have a lot to prove, especially now that Gears and Halo don't have the kind of pull they had a decade ago. I also can't blame anyone for thinking MS is all talk and no action. For years we've been hearing about the Initiative and they still only have 44 people working there. How do we know a studio that is specialized in making racing games can also make a great RPG? Why are all their major studios making indie titles or RTS pc games? Loads of question there and MS needs to show in July that they're truly committed to Series X and next gen console gaming.

Your first paragraph is just describing the past. I’m familiar with Xbox’s history. Guess we got to wait a month to show the changes they are truly making. Your second paragraph just describes MS has a lot to prove which I agree. At least with your silence that you acknowledge my point on Grounded, as well as not all of Sony’s launch games are built from the ground up for PS5. 

A couple of your questions I can answer. Why are major studios like Obsidian and Ninja Theory making smaller games like Grounded and Bleeding Edge/Project Mara? Probably because they have multiple teams, one of which does passion projects.

What’s wrong with RTS? Xbox committing to making multiple genres where they can bring in a broad audience with multiple tastes. I mean no offence because it is after all fact, but most heavy hitter Ps exclusives fall under “single player third person story driven action adventure”. Sure the gameplay is different but the general road map is the same and Im just glad MS doing genres that are more niche as well as popular. 

Guerilla went from FPS (Killzone) to third person adventure. So why can’t a open world racing developer transfer those skills to making a open world rpg? Also The Coalition has been helping The Initiative out with their game allegedly. 
Sony has a first party studio that also functions as a “helper” studio so it’s not unheard of.

I can’t wait to finally see the reactions when they show what’s cooking, both big and small titles. Hopefully another acquisition too for good measure. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.