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Cerebralbore101 said:
RolStoppable said:

I've addressed what you said. You keep moving goalposts, that's why your arguments are falling apart.

For instance, in your current post you say that Halo Infinite being on old gen would effect its sales, but what you originally said is that Halo Infinite is nothing; there's a significant difference between talking about decreased sales and brushing off a game as a non-factor like you did. At another point you demanded that I should show proof that a console in the past won by doing nothing more than having the better looking multiplatform games; I was the only one you were having a discussion with at that point, so either you strawmanned me or you randomly asked a stupid question.

The 360 and PS3 were having very similar yearly sales with the lead in weekly baseline sales changing a few times. A lead for the 360 existed largely due to its one year headstart. The two consoles were selling at a similar pace from start to finish of that generation, because the image and perception that the PS3 isn't significantly better than the 360 was defined early.

Rol, your reading comprehension is just poor. You are fighting an imaginary battle with the Cerebralbore in your head, instead of actually addressing me or what I said. 

Forza 8 and Halo Infinite will run on Xbox One, Xbox One X, PC, and Xbox Series X. Those aren't going to move units, because everybody interested in those games has hardware to play those games already.

^There I am talking about how being available on four systems will affect sales. 

Your argument was "Halo Infinite and Forza will push sales for Series X, and the system that has the best 3rd party performance will come out on top". 

I refuted the first part of your argument, by pointing out that Halo Infinite and Forza will be playable on four platforms in total. 

This reduces your argument to "Halo Infinite and Forza will push sales for Series X, and the system that has the best 3rd party performance will come out on top"

Since your argument had been reduced to a single point ala refutation, I then asked the following rhetorical question "Can you give an example of a console winning a generation solely by having better graphics in 3rd party titles?"

Asking such a question =/= Stating that you actually believe that a console can win via nothing but 3rd party performance. 

At best it merely implies it. But that's what you've done these past few posts. You've attempted to read between the lines of what I actually said, to extract your own strawman interpretation, and then went on to attack said strawman. 

Your method of straw-manning is as bad as people that say "Black Lives Matter? That implies what white lives don't matter! The BLM movement thinks white lives don't matter!"

Good grief. Can't believe it needs to be pointed out, but just because Halo is available on other systems doesn't mean it won't be a huge mover for a new Xbox. And we're not just talking about the launch and first year, but possibly several years to come (depending on quality of the game obviously).

For starters, PC release can just be ignored. The main crowd that'll buy Halo only on PC were never gonna buy an Xbox to begin with. I'm not sure how much you know about Halo and it's appeal, but most of it comes from it's social aspect in gameplay; namely, couch co-op and more importantly online multi-player. Neither of those aspects have a strong lasting effect on PC. Even for multi-player, it'll never be nearly as strong on PC because people who play a lot of Halo won't deal with the cheating/hacking BS of PC. The main benefit of Halo on PC, is it'll make it easier for the people who forge/mod custom maps, which is a huge part of Halo's value and lasting power.

Secondly, the main buyers who already own current Xbox and are likely quite loyal to the brand. Even if they can play the new Halo for the first year or two, if they're playing on the base or S systems, they'll likely want to upgrade sooner than later. But it should be a given that even if they're One X owners, that at some point they'll still want to upgrade to play the best version as part of the Xbox ecosystem.

Most importantly, the main audience MS are trying to attract with the new Halo, are console gamers who don't currently own an Xbox. Which is a large chunk of the current market place, in case you haven't noticed. And the same audience/demographic that'll be interested in a quality new Halo title, are largely the same crowd who tend to buy the best-selling multi-plat titles i.e. CoD, Fifa, GTAV etc.

Halo being the centre of a new system launch is a huge deal, and a lot is riding on how this title can deliver.