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BraLoD said:
JWeinCom said:

Maybe those games score better because the reviewers like them better. 

Maybe, but then why do GTAV (97) and RDR2 (97) score better than TLoU (95) and GoW (94) and those games that scored lower are the ones that end up getting, by far, the most awards from those outlets in the end?

If they like it better those games should receive the most awards naturally as they received the higher agreggate scores as well, should't them?

On an outlet by outlet basis, no.  Different people review different games and goty awards are usually done by a panel, so it's pretty possible that a small difference in score may not predict who will win goty. A review is one person's opinion on a game, and doesn't necessarily reflect the site. I wrote for a gaming website a while back... I gave Skyward Sword a 10, which I stand by. 99% sure that wasn't our goty.

On an industry-wide basis, you should expect in general more goty awards for games that score higher... So if you have data that shows that's the case, then maybe.  With that being said so, when we're dealing with a 2-3% difference in the scores, the difference in goty awards should be pretty small as well.