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RolStoppable said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

What are these new entries of big IPs? I'm not saying ports of PS4 games would be something. I'm just saying that if Series X only launches with games that can also be played on PC,XB1, and XB1X, then PS5 launching in a similar state matches that. Having two games that aren't really exclusives = having two games that aren't really exclusives.

Oh yes, I fully expect Miles to be something akin to Uncharted Lost Legacy, or Majora's Mask. But I'll take that over the jack-all that MS has.

I wasn't referring to old hardware holding Halo Infinite back. We haven't seen Halo Infinite yet though. Only a fool would have watched the 2017 E3 Demo and thought BotW wasn't going to be good. Even if it did somehow become an amazing BotW style return to form for the series, it's going to be on two platforms in addition to Series X. Forza is little more than a yearly sports franchise that is also available on PC. If Sony fans were scraping the bottom of the barrel this hard for ammo, they'd be touting MLB the Show. Luckily, they're not that desperate. And don't come at me with how Forza has better reviews than MLB. A yearly racing or sports franchise with good reviews is a yearly racing or sports franchise with good reviews.

Can you give an example of a console winning a generation solely by having better graphics in 3rd party titles? There's no historical precedent for your "best place to play 3rd party games" argument.

Edit: Just found out TLoU2 has reviews of 96. Here you are speculating on how Halo Infinite could be a game of this caliber, while Sony actually releases one.

Halo Infinite and Forza 8, those are the new entries in big IPs. I see that the problem is that you use your personal opinion to judge the value of a game, hence why Halo and Forza are nothing in your eyes. Hence why Forza is a yearly racing franchise to you despite Forza and Forza Horizon not being the same thing.

Your twist of words (bolded) is weak. It's only since the PS3 vs. 360 generation that multiplats have mattered to such a high degree, because in all previous generations exclusive software was more important, meaning the bestsellers were exclusives. Since then we've had the 360 benefit big time from being the better console for multiplats, the PS4 benefited too, so it's a given that the performance of multiplatform games will matter a lot as well between the PS5 and XSX. You framed the blatantly obvious as better multiplats being the only thing that matters, but a straw man argument will do you no good here.

TLoU2 is a PS4 game, not a PS5 game. Ask yourself when Sony will be able to release another game of that caliber. Gran Turismo 7 got no 2021 release window. Horizon 2: Forbidden West didn't get a 2021 release window either. That's why Sony's PS5 event has pretty much been as favorable as it could be for Microsoft. Sony couldn't demonstrate any tangible advantages of their SSD, neither could Sony show that they'll have big games ready anytime soon. Look at those release dates:

Forza being a yearly franchise isn't my opinion it's a fact. My criticism of Halo Infinite has nothing to do with my opinion on current gen Halo games. Hell, I don't even have an opinion on current gen Halo games. If Halo Infinite were exclusive to Series X or at least exclusive to Series X and PC, I'd agree that it would be a killer app. 

There's nothing to show that multiplats have ever mattered to a high degree in the manner you are talking about. It's based on nothing more than analyst assumptions. Marketshare increases and decreases are far easier explained by console prices, and exclusives. The 2017 launch of XB1X as "the best place to play multiplats", and then failing to help XB1 sales in any significant manner refutes your multiplats argument anyway. Your argument that Halo Infinite and Forza 8 will be killer apps has been refuted multiple times already. So that leaves your argument as simply "Series X will be the best place to play for multiplats!" So I'm not strawmanning you. Just addressing what's left of your bad argument after the first half has been refuted. 

TLoU2 is a PS4 game, not a PS5 game. 

Do you have a source from that? Or are you speculating? How do you know TLoU2 isn't getting a PS5 port?