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Tuesday news, the second wave:

Hearthstone's next seasonal event brings Pirates to the Battlegrounds and a new free adventure
Hearthstone's Felfire Festival will kick off tomorrow with the release of the 17.4 update, which will add 17 Pirates (a new minion type) to the Battlegrounds mode. The update will also add a trio of swashbuckling new heroes, bring a fourth out of retirement, and set the stage for a new Trial by Felfire—a free solo adventure coming to Hearthstone next week.

Overwatch Hero Pools have been dropped from Competitive Play
In January, Blizzard announced that a form of hero bans was being added to Overwatch—but instead of letting players select who to leave out on a per-match basis, they'd be sidelined through "Hero Pools" selected by Blizzard on a weekly basis. A few months later, Blizzard decided Hero Pools weren't working out quite as it had hoped, and dropped them from all matches with an average skill rating below Master.
Today it took an even bigger step by washing its hands of Hero Pools completely, outside of Overwatch League. Effective immediately, Hero Pools will be removed from Competitive Play, "with no tentative date for re-implementation."

Bungie job listing hints at a new game that will be 'lighthearted and whimsical'
Bungie said in 2019 that it wants to have "other franchises within the marketplace" by 2025, and apparently it's moving ahead with that plan. It also sounds like it's going in a different sort of direction than its taken over the past couple of decades with Halo and Destiny: A listing that surfaced today for an Incubation Art Director is obviously light on detail, but it does hint at something very un-Destiny-like.

Paper Beast, Eric Chahi's VR game, hits PC this year
Released on PSVR last year, Paper Beast is a dreamy VR adventure with a fascinating premise: the internet has generated its own landscape, it's own world, and you're the first one to explore it. It's the work of Eric Chahi, best known for Another World and From Dust, and Paper Beast does seem to bear some similarities with the latter.
After over a year of PlayStation exclusivity, Paper Beast releases for PC in summer (winter in Australia). It'll hit Steam, Oculus Store and Viveport, and is compatible with HTC Vive, Oculus Rift / Rift S and Valve Index.

Rainbow Six Siege’s next operators leaked in new video
Grab some buckets, because the rest of Rainbow Six Siege’s 2020 operators are leaking hard. After some early suggestions that Season 3’s operator would be a Splinter Cell crossover character, the latest leaks making the rounds paint a clearer picture of what the next two seasons bring to the table—an attacker with a drill camera and a defender with a robotic arm and laser gates.

Travel into deep space with Elite's massive new fleet carriers, available now
Released today for free, the new update for space sim Elite Dangerous adds colossal, screen-filling fleet carrier ships to the game. These enormous beasts can travel 500 light years in a single jump, which makes them ideal for deep space exploration. To give you some perspective, the default jump range for the basic Sidewinder starting ship is a paltry 7.5 light years.

Apex Legends bunkers are opening soon, according to a leak
When season 5 launched, one of the first new things to check out was the strange bunker carved into the cliff face near the Broken Coast South area of Kings Canyon. While the loot in that landing spot is mostly lacklustre—bar a shiny Legendary Knockdown Shield—a dataminer thinks we may be in for some more exciting drops when the mysterious Apex Legends bunkers start opening across the map.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.