Still the best advice for Nintendo came from no other than Michael Pachter. When Nintendo was down with its Wii U he said it would be best for Nintendo to bring out their games to the other platforms because otherwise, their ip's will suffer and be forgotten over time. Once they come back with a successful console, they can go back to have their exclusives!
Good one Michael Pachter, that would be so consumer friendly. First you say to all the gamers: "Here, play our games on whatever platform you want." All these gamers who never played Nintendo IP's/long years ago since they owned a Nintendo platform are so happy and are eager to play the sequels of these fantastic IP's they learned to enjoy. But wait, here comes the hitch: Nintendo is back with a successful console and says: "*Beep* You! We are back in the game and if you want to paly our IP's you have to buy our new console, period!"