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Red dead 2, I really like it for the 1st 3 chapters, but then issues just get more and more apparent to a point where I just start not enjoying it at all. I'll say the game looks great and I enjoy the story and characters. But almost everything else in the game varies from passable to just downright bad. I'll just list some of my issues now.
1. Missions
The mission variety is just pitiful, most missions follow the same structure of ride to mission marker then ride from point A to point B, shoot people ride back to point A or to point C rinse and repeat for 90% of the missions. Missions also suffer from extreme linearity which is very at odds with the open world nature of the game. This gets frustrating when you want to try a mission in a different way but just get an automatic fail for not following the extremely specific way rockstar wants you to play every mission. The player is discouraged from ever thinking about what to do because the game tells you exactly where to go and what to do and how to do it. Player creativity is actively discouraged and punished. Even games that are designed to be linear like uncharted give players some more options on how to play through parts of the game. I remember during one mission I was asked to hide a carriage, instead of letting me choose a place to hide the games tells me the exact place to bide it and nothing else will work. Red dead 2 is a game that controls the player rather than the player controlling the game. The player never has to think or make any meaningful choices during missions. This is in direct contrast with the game outside of missions that does a lot more to encourage players to actually think and make choices. This contrast makes tge game feel unfocused and poorly thought out, it feels like 2 different games. This isn't to say that the game can't have linear missions but it needs to make sense in the situation. A mission on a train makes sense that it is linear, a mission in a more wide open area should not be so linear.
2 Gamelplay
The gameplay is pretty brain dead. Gunfights have so little thought needed to get through just press aim, automatically target enemy and fire, that's it there's nothing else to it. You can try dead eye but that doesn't really add much apart from looking kinda cool. Arthur also just plumbers around like a drunk person constantly. I never feel fully in control of Arthur it almost feels like he's working against me at all times. Another issue horse riding, riding a horse is ok but a vast majority of play time is spent riding a horse around without much else happening it was fine early in the game when seeing all the scenery for the first time but quickly becomes uninteresting when being forced to ride through the same area over and over. Later in my play through of the game I was just going into cinematic view, holding X and looking at my phone till I got to where I needed.
3 Side missions become pointless
Generally the main rewards you get from side missions is money, which early in the game you'll likely be low on and need to do side missions, this is a good thing. But by the the time you get to the story mission where you rob a bank money is no longer and issue so side missions no longer have much purpose. After a while there just isn't much to spend money on in the game. The game isn't giving me much motivation to do side content.
4 Camp upgrades
This is a good idea executed extremely poorly. Almost all of the camp upgrades feel pointless and add nothing to the game. This feels like a huge wasted opportunity to have the players actions affect the camp in a positive way. The more we put into the camp the better it the happier your group is, but this sadly is not the case.
5 Chapter 5
Yeah, fuck this part of the game. Just plain terrible and severely hurts the pacing of the story.
6 red dead 1 map
Another wasted opportunity, this part of the map has barely anything to do and adds very little.

Red dead 2 is not a terrible game certain aspects are great such as music, graphics, story and character but the faults drag it down so far. The issues listed are just some of my problems with the game I have more but didn't feel like writing anymore.