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Morrowind.  There used to be a time when I liked every RPG I played.  There was no distinction between Western and Japanese.  They were all good.  If they got advertised and reviewed well, then I was going to enjoy it.  The crappy ones were intentionally downplayed, so I could avoid them.  Then Morrowind came along.  What a piece of total trash.  This games takes everything I like about RPGs and gets rid of it.  Fun leveling?  Gone.  An engrossing story?  Gone.  A party to control?  Gone.  Explicit goals?  Gone.  This game is just not fun in any way.  I didn't know people could systematically destroy a whole genre like this.

Mario 64.  This game made me leave Nintendo for two generations.  It's not Mario.  It's an abomination posing as Mario.  Not only did it ruin the most popular franchise in gaming, but it was also made to showcase the worst controller ever made.  Years later I gave this game a second chance on the DS.  It still sucked.

The Wind Waker.  I saved the worst for last.  Or at least it's the most painful.  Objectively, Morrowind is probably a worse game, but Wind Waker destroyed my childhood in ways that George Lucas could only dream of.  When the Wii gets released, I go back and get a Gamecube to give Nintendo another chance.  Then I get to Wind Waker and I feel like crying.  This game combines the worst parts of Morrowind and Mario 64.  It systematically destroys my favorite Nintendo series, while being a total lie at the same time.  This is not Zelda.  The 3 NES/SNES Zelda games are the real Zelda.  Wind Waker is trash posing as Zelda.

I also have to mention Final Fantasys 13, just to emphasize how disappointing the top 3 games were.  Final Fantasy used to be my favorite series.  Now I don't even care about it anymore.  I played FF15 for one hour and then never touched it again.  I just didn't care to give it more of a chance than that.  My love for Final Fantasy gradually waned while playing the entire FF13 trilogy.  FF13 killed my love for my favorite series, and now I have no love for it at all.  And yet FF13 is not anywhere in the same league as Morrowind, Mario 64, and The Wind Waker.  There are plenty of parts of FF13 I really enjoy.  But the other 3 games are total trash and have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

The worst part of all of this is actually the gaslighting.  I still hear people to this day trying to convince me that these are good games.  No, they aren't!  I've played them, and I know they suck!  Morrowind is probably the worst, because it's turned into Skyrim love.  I look at the reviews for Skyrim, "This game is great.  It's just like Morrowind."  Dammit!  So many people think Elder Scrolls are good games.  They have been gaslighted.  (At least this is how it feels to me.)  It sucks, because these games sell, and so more sucky games end up getting made.  Zelda actually got a course correction with Breath of the Wild, but Elder Scrolls and 3D Mario are still being made unchecked.  And these games end up influencing other games, so in the end there are fewer games out there which I actually like playing.  It sucks.