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shikamaru317 said:
Xxain said:

What? This is dumb argument my guy.

SE has released one big game in all their biggest IP's lol. The amount of AAA releases is = to the amount you own! Outside of those they round their catalog with B tier releases. SE moves no slower than any other developer creating these super expensive games. Your argument reads like a self raised wall.

1 big (AAA) game per IP in 7 years is the same as other big publishers? I think not. Looking at the 7 years from 2013-2020, Activision will release 7 CoD games in 7 years. EA will release 7 games per sport, 4 Battlefield games, and 2 Battlefront games in 7 years. Ubisoft will release 7 Assassin's Creed games, 4 Far Cry games, 3 Watch Dogs games, 2 Ghost Recon games, 2 Rainbow Six games, and 2 The Division games in 7 years. Microsoft will release 6 Forza games in 7 years, 2 Halo games, and 2 Gears games. Sony will release 2 TLOU and 2 Uncharted games in 7 years (possibly 2 Horizon games and 2 GT games as well, if Horizon 2 and GT7 end up being launch titles for PS5). WB will seemingly release 3 Batman Arkham games (new Batman Arkham from WB Montreal is rumored for announce very soon and release later this year) and 2 LOTR games in 7 years. Capcom has released 3 Resident Evil games and 2 Dead Rising games. 

By comparison, Square has released 2 AAA FF games, 1 AAA KH game, and 1 AAA DQ game in 7 years, from their internal Japanese dev teams. Sadly that makes Square one of the slowest publishers this past gen at AAA development. I'm just not going to suddenly expect them to double their JP AAA output next gen from 4 games to 8 games. If it happens, great, I'll be very happy, but I'm not going to expect it from them. Better to be pleasantly surprised than disappointed I always say. 

Edit: Though to be fair to Square, their western teams have had much faster AAA output this past gen than their JP teams. Crystal Dynamics will end up releasing 3 AAA games in 7 years (2 Tomb Raider and Avengers), Eidos will end up releasing 3 AAA games in 7 years (1 Deus Ex, 1 Tomb Raider, and 1 Thief). 

Terrible Terrible Terrible comparison. 

You comparing Publishers who have a shit ton of studios around the world, who regularly rotate the IP among those studios/ or involve multiple studios for different parts of ONE game to ONE DEVELOPMEMT TEAM! Ubisoft specifically does this! Example Assasin Creed Odysssey was done by Ubisoft Montreal, Quebec and Singapore! That is over 1000 bodies working on 1 game! 

SE has 5 active teams and those teams are responsible for all parts of those projects. Japan has remained very traditional about this.

EDIT: you also are not considering that western development teams tend to focus one IP for the entire gen while Japanese developments teams tend to have multiple IPs they juggle. So you just cant ignore that only one DQ was released when that same team also does Mana games too.

Last edited by Xxain - on 28 May 2020