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goopy20 said:
zero129 said:

Man or man. Your just too funny.

Point being you think this demo looks great and next gen.. So even if they did downscale it to PS4 and even if it does look like a UE4 running tomb raider on PS4. The PS5 version still exists and still looks next gen as nothing is changed from that demo and you think it looks great on PS5. Thats exactly what engine scaling is!!. So if you acknowledge this much why do you keep saying the same shit in each thread that MS nextgen games such as Halo etc cant scale the same way?.

You admit how this demo looks great and can scale down to PS4 levels except not looking so great on PS4, but you refuse to admit how Halo 6 can look 100% nextgen just like this demo but can also scale down to XBO levels only not looking so great.

Like i said your a funny guy but i think everyone on this site can now see what your real intentions is with such threads and nonsense.

Not sure what you're saying, do you mean no game can be next gen gen because they can just scale everything down and have it run on a mobile too? That would mean BF5 isn't a current gen game because it has the same gameplay as BF 1942 from 2002, with only a bit better rocks.

Next gen is all about new gameplay experiences, not necessarily new gameplay elements or even guaranteed better games. There will always be crappy games no matter how powerful the hardware is. Hell, we've already seen a bunch of them like Godfall and most games during MS's conference.

In any case, it doesn't matter what me or anyone on this forum thinks about both companies conferences. We can just look at the numbers. The Unreal 5 demo got over 11m views, has nearly 300k likes and only 6k dislikes. MS's conference had 1m views, 35k likes and 45k dislikes... Its a bit pointless to pretend that we don't know why both companies got the reactions they did, and what an introduction to next gen games should look like. We all know MS desperately needs to show something in July that has that same wow effect. We've already seen the reactions to a mere tech demo, so just imagine the reactions if Sony shows off actual games looking like that in June and MS has another stream showing Xone games with an optimized for Series X logo on the screen. 

No what he and others have meant in this thread is you argue both sides of the same coin whenever it suits your agenda. So it's no surprise that after making a few threads where you claim that next gen should be about more than pretty graphics, you're impressed by a demo and what it can showcase for next gen when that demo is literally just better graphics slapped onto gameplay that could have easily come from 2008. You also argued a ton that those types of graphics can't scale, that there's no way XSX games can look next gen if they are also designed to work on Xbone. And yet, again, you're very impressed by this demo designed to scale from the most powerful PC's all the way down to tablets and phones.

Even now you're starting to teeter back to the argument that next gen should be about new gameplay experiences, even though this demo showcased none of it (and why should it, it's not even a game). But you'll just have multiple people again tell you that cross gen doesn't limit the type of gameplay experiences you can offer, and also that next gen launch games typically don't wildly innovate gameplay anyway. Remember the other thread when you were honestly trying to tell us that Infamous 3 was a legit next gen game because it offered experiences not available on PS3, and you even linked a DigitalFoundry article? An article that literally said Infamous 3 didn't offer anything new gameplay wise but sure looked pretty? You've had a double standard from the start.

Also regarding views and likes and follows and tweets, didn't a picture of a controller or something blow up more than Microsoft actually showing the whole box and Hellblade II? I can see why you'd like to latch on to the numbers argument as it's seemingly all you have left, but they are clearly irrelevant. Playstation is simply more popular worldwide and by a large margin. Anything they show will have higher numbers.

It's also bizarre that you're criticizing one company for showcasing smaller games and cross gen games knowing full well that they have a first party showcase planned for July, while the other has shown literally nothing and you're fine with it lol